Traitors affiliated with the Heritage Foundation are the true leaders of the former Republican Party, and they have a nefarious plan for ending the United States as we know it.
Sub-human creatures at Heritage created the heinous Project 2025 (AKA “Guidebook for A Fascist Society,” “GOP Manifest Destiny,” “Destroy Democracy Now,” etc.) and these fucktards are scheming to use Trump in a dangerous power grab.
Their plot goes like this: they know Trump is extremely popular with racists, Nazis, Klan members, conspiracy theorists, and others who loathe democracy, and they feel that Trump might get enough of “the moron vote” to once again sneak into power via the painfully flawed Electoral College or by the GOP’s next coup attempt (already in the planning stages).
Once the right-wing nut-job douchebags are in the White House, there will be no need for the ravings of the orange-painted baboon. He will be shunted aside due to a “stroke” or “temporary mental incapacity” or whatever excuse seems most applicable.
Then, the spineless lickspittle geek known as the “sectional sexual” will be elevated to the presidency. Shillbilly Vance will be much easier to lead around than Drumpy. Repubs, being familiar with situations like this, are confident that Mr. Vancypants will be a darling little hand puppet just like the witless W or the Alzheimer's-addled Ronny.
Thus, (I always wanted to use “thus” in one of these rants) the end of democracy will shortly follow, to the delight of monarchs, oligarchs, plutocrats, potentates, turncoats, despots, and Christo-fascists everywhere.